Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clemson

Message from the Chair

Greetings from the Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clemson University to our alumni, students, colleagues, and friends. As we begin the Spring semester and the new year of 2021, we look back on an unprecedented year full of unique challenges and accomplishments. 2020 was a year like no other, but engineers are often at their best when facing great challenges.

From pivoting to online instruction early in the year, adapting research and operations to meet changing pandemic protocols and financial impacts, to planning and completing a successful fall semester for our continuing students, the ECE department rose to the occasion. Over the course of an uncertain, turbulent year, we have also enjoyed significant achievements, driving world-class research and innovation in communications and internet security, autonomous systems, power and smart grids, optoelectronics, and medical systems, just to name a few. We have a team of faculty and staff who are committed to providing our students with not only a top tier education, but a sense of community within the department and university, and the support to follow them through a successful career as engineers.

We are looking forward to fostering further engagement with our students, faculty, alumni, and colleagues throughout the university and the engineering community at large.  I have every confidence that we have a bright future ahead, and that 2021 will be productive, innovative, and full of growth. I am pleased to share this newsletter with some of our highlights from the past year.

Hai Xiao
Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering