Yingie Lao and Judson Ryckman are among the ten CECAS faculty members receiving some of the nation’s most prestigious awards for junior faculty members this year. Congratulations to all these outstanding faculty members!

Nine have received CAREER awards from the National Science Foundation, and one has secured an Early Career Research grant from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science.
All of the CAREER award recipients have put together education plans to complement the research they will be doing. They expect to visit K-12 schools, create cutting-edge courses at Clemson and offer summer research opportunities for underrepresented students, to name a few examples.
Yingjie Lao is strengthening the college’s portfolio of artificial-intelligence research with a new project aimed at protecting next-generation AI systems from attacks without sacrificing the systems’ performance, accuracy or complexity.
Judson Ryckman is making sensor chips with highly specific color-filtering surfaces and then shining a laser on them. The research is aimed at finding new ways to run a wide range of diagnostic tests without needing large, expensive scientific instruments.
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