Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Big Turnout for Tribute to Tom Keinath

To mark the 50th anniversary of when Dr. Thomas M. Keinath joined Clemson University (1969), the Department held a special seminar and reception in his honor on October 25, 2019. The featured speaker for the seminar was Dr. Glen Daigger, who is currently serving as a professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering […]

Ronald W. Falta, Jr. recognized by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists

Ron Falta, Professor in the Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences is receiving the 2020 Honor Award for University Research, given by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists. Read the Clemson Newsstand article here: https://newsstand.clemson.edu/ronald-w-falta-jr-recognized-by-the-american-academy-of-environmental-engineers-and-scientists/