Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Electric or Hybrid Vehicles? Researchers tell us which is better for the environment

Recent collaboration between students and faculty at Clemson University and a researcher at a National Lab has revealed the impact of electric and hybrid vehicles on the environment.  “Vehicles that run solely on batteries are often regarded as the gold standard in clean-energy transportation, but the answer to the Shakspearean question is far from simple, […]

The Future of Microbes

Another great representation of EEES on September 17, 2024, when Dr. Kevin Finneran presented on “Can We Use Microbes For This: Bioremediation For The Next Generation of Contaminants” at a webinar hosted by Microbial Insights.  This webinar presented some thoughts on what emerging contaminants may be treatable using microbial activity, and when and how to optimize […]

2024 Junior Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching

EEES is super happy to share that this year’s recipient of the CECAS Junior Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching is EEES faculty member, Dr. Emily Scribner.  The Junior Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching is a new award being offered within the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences to recognize “the excellence in teaching […]