EEES faculty member Dr. Ezra Cates is developing a novel water treatment process to address one of the most difficult to degrade “emerging contaminants,” perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). Cates and his students recently published an article in one of the top journals for Environmental Engineering (Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.8b00395) describing the use of bismuth oxyhydroxyphosphate (BOHP) and UV light to break down PFOA. When an article in Environmental Science & Technology Letters catches the attention of the editors, it is selected for highlighting in the news magazine for the American Chemical Society, Chemical & Engineering News. The article by Cates was selected for this purpose. The full story in Chemical & Engineering News may be found here. Congratulations to Dr. Cates on being selected for a feature story in Chemical & Engineering News.