Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Hoover & Watson Win ANS Scholarships

Megan Hoover and Mara Watson, Ph.D. students in Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences at Clemson University, have been selected to receive scholarships from the American Nuclear Society (ANS). These scholarships are awarded to students entering the field of nuclear science and engineering. Their awards are recognized on the ANS website.

Megan Hoover is the recipient of the 2020-2021 John and Muriel Landis.  Megan was selected by a subcommittee of the ANS Nuclear Engineering Education for the Disadvantaged (NEED) Committee.  The award consists of a certificate and $5000. Megan’s advisor is Dr. Lindsay Shuller-Nickles.

Mara Watson is the recipient of the 2020-2021 ANS Graduate Scholarship. Mara was selected by selected by a subcommittee of the ANS Scholarship Policy & Coordination Committee. The award consists of a certificate and $3000. Mara’s advisor is Dr. Timothy DeVol.

Congratulations Megan and Mara!