Abdullah Al Mamun, a Ph.D. student in Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences at Clemson University, was honored as the second-place winner of the outstanding student presenter award at the fall 2020 meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU). Abdullah presented his paper in the session on the Environmental Vadose Zone Hydrology. According to Dr. Yusong Li, AGU Unsaturated Zone Technical Committee Chair, the award is based on Abdullah’s excellent presentation entitled Evaluating the ability of dual domain models to capture the water content evolution observed in the macropore and matrix regions of a soil by x-ray CT imaging during an infiltration experiment. Abdullah’s advisor is Dr. Brian Powell. According to the AGU’s website for the section on Hydrology, “The Outstanding Student Presentation Awards (OSPAs) are awarded to promote, recognize and reward undergraduate, Master’s and PhD students for quality research in the geophysical sciences. Each year, sections and focus groups recruit judges to assess and score student oral and poster presentations at meetings. Typically the top 3-5% of presenters in each section/focus group are awarded an OSPA.”
Congratulations to Abdullah on this significant national award!