Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Scribner Receives Provost Award for Excellence in Teaching

EEES Lecturer Dr. Emily Scribner received one of the university’s top honors at a Spring 2023 semester ceremony hosted by Provost Bob Jones, the Junior Special Rank Outstanding Teaching Award.  Dr. Scribner was one of 26 faculty, staff and students honored with a university wide award, making this a notably high level of recognition.  She is very strategic about the best, research-based methods to teach introductory courses in geology.  Dr. Scribner employs a student-centered pedagogy that uses a variety of active and collaborative learning methods and other evidence-based practices to teach high-enrollment courses. Her teaching philosophy focuses on fostering an engaging and supportive classroom environment where students can take ownership of their learning experience and be actively involved in the lesson. An alumnus who has taken two of Scribner’s courses stated that, “Scribner provides a positive environment in her classroom for us to enjoy learning. She is professional and approachable, enabling student success. Even in classes with 80 or more students, she knows every name and builds rapport with each student.”

According to Dr. David Freedman, Chair of EEES and one of the nominators in support of her award, “Dr. Scribner has a special talent for teaching.  Her effectiveness has been consistently well above average, not just the for the Department, but the College and University as well.  She is an excellent colleague and richly deserving of this recognition.”

Congratulations to Dr. Scribner!