February 2, 2017
This year’s annual Hydrogeology Symposium will be held at the Madren Center on April 6, 2017, with field trips on April 5 and 7, and May 4. The field trip topic this year is Geology of Dupont State Forest and the Standingstone Quadrangle, SC and NC. The keynote speaker for the event is Dr. Kamini […]
March 4, 2016
With 43 presentations covering issues addressing hydrogeology, groundwater quality, and use, the 24th annual David S. Snipes/Clemson Hydrogeology Symposium will draw scientists and engineers from universities, government and industry to the Madren Conference Center at Clemson University on March 31st. Sponsored by Clemson’s Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences department, the symposium will draw 30 commercial […]