Industrial Engineering

IE Abroad: Meet Sydney Granger

Industrial engineering students don’t have time to study abroad, and even if they did, it would not fit into their coursework.

If reading that statement makes you physically cringe or completely crushes your dreams of studying abroad during your undergraduate career, then hear us out: it’s false.

In fact, at this very moment, Clemson University’s Industrial Engineering department has about 20 students spread across the world studying abroad and gaining invaluable experiences that will positively impact their education and character for years to come.

As summer stretches on, we’re catching up with our IE students who have caught the travel bug, packed their bags, and headed across the world to study abroad in one of the various programs offered through Clemson University. This week we’re talking with IE sophomore Sydney Granger, who just returned from a month abroad in Germany.

Location of study abroad:

Landshut, Germany and Essligen, Germany

Program abroad:

Faculty-Directed CECAS Global Sophomore Program: Automotive Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing

Why did you choose this location/program?

I chose this program because I was interested in automotive engineering and I wanted to experience what it would be like to work in the manufacturing industry while also learning about German culture.



How did you find out about this program/did you have an advisor or mentor who recommended you to pursue this opportunity?

I knew I wanted to study abroad at some point, so I went to the Study Abroad Fair in the fall and learned about this program.

Favorite part of the experience?

My favorite part of the trip was going on the industry tours especially the injection molding factory and the BMW Research and Development Center. I also really enjoyed exploring Munich and meeting new people who are in the engineering program at Clemson.

What advice would you give to other Industrial Engineering students studying abroad or thinking about studying abroad

Any industrial engineering student who is considering studying abroad should take advantage of the amazing opportunities that Clemson has to offer because it’s a once in a life time experience that provides students with unique learning experiences and great memories.

How might this experience help you as you return to the IE program?

During my study abroad experience, I learned about industrial engineering applications in the manufacturing industry. I am excited to learn more about these topics and make connections with what I saw on tours when I am taking industrial engineering classes back at Clemson.


If you’re an IE student interested in studying abroad, check out Clemson Abroad for more information, and talk to your advisors to decide how you can best work study abroad into your coursework. Stay tuned next Monday to hear about another #IEAbroad!