Inside Clemson

Caribbean initiative and resources for international students

Over the coming decade, the Caribbean region will likely become a significant focus of attention, as regional climate change, shared environmental issues, trade and business opportunities, and cultural and artistic ties all become increasingly important. Clemson University is well-positioned to become a leading university in collaborating with Caribbean partners. Our land grant mission is relevant to the needs of the region. We have a skilled faculty, with many projects already underway in the Caribbean. The university administration is committed to Clemson being a national and international leader.

For these reasons, a Clemson Caribbean Initiative has been proposed. The Initiative would help coordinate, support, and grow faculty engagement in the Caribbean region. A Steering Committee has been established and has been doing some preliminary work.

A University-wide Forum to help plan the initiative will be held from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Tuesday, March 7, 2017 f in the Hendrix Center, meeting rooms A & B. Provost Bob Jones will kick off the forum, and lunch will be provided. The forum will be interactive, with the goal of advancing the initiative and exploring actions that should be taken to help faculty work in the Caribbean region. A special guest speaker will enliven our work, and a reception after the forum will provide time to network with established and new colleagues. All interested Clemson faculty are invited to participate in the forum.

A detailed agenda will be distributed soon, with more information to follow. To register, please RSVP to Alexis Ward at by March 1, 2017.

The Steering Committee:
Dr. Gary Machlis, University Professor of Environmental Sustainability
Dr. Sharon Nagy, Vice Provost for Global Engagement
Dr. George Askew, Dean of the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences, and Vice-President for Public Service and Agriculture
Dr. Jeff Plumblee, Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering & Science Education
Dr. Jean McKendry, Coordinator of Grant Development & Interdisciplinary Collaborations, Center for Research & Collaborative Activities, College of Behavioral, Social, and Health Sciences and College of Education
Dr. Arelis Moore de Peralta, Assistant Professor, Department of Languages and Department of Youth, Family and Community Studies

More resources

The Office of Global Engagement has created a webpage that offers resources for international students, click here to access the page.