Inside Clemson

Clemson has counseling resources available to faculty, staff and students

By Raquel Contreras, Ph.D., Director
Counseling and Psychological Services, Redfern Health Center

It has been a week since the senseless shooting of nine people at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston. Distress from the violence in Charleston reaches far and wide. While we will continue to ask multiple questions,  I’d encourage each of us to slow down from our busy lives and mourn for the loss in our state of South Carolina. You may not even be fully aware of how it is affecting you regardless of the color of your skin or religious background.

If you need assistance, Clemson University employees may obtain mental health services through Deer Oaks, employee assistance program.

For students, psychologists/counselors are available through Counseling and Psychological Services(CAPS) to assist students in the process of healing.  To access care, go to CAPS at Redfern Health Center between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. These are walk-in hours where students will be able to speak with a counselor.

Each one of us has a part in bringing the healing to the Clemson family members. Visit the American Psychological Association’s Help Center (or click here) for tips on how to build back a sense of inner resilience in the wake of Charleston or any traumatic event.