Inside Clemson

New university travel reimbursement policy announced

By Angela Wiggins, Disbursements Manager
Procurement Services

Procurement Services recently announced a revision to the University Travel Policy, effective Jan. 1, 2015.  This policy revision, a result of campus feedback, was implemented to simplify and clarify many parts of the previous travel policy. While this policy does not address all changes in travel that employees would like to see, Procurement Services views this as the first step in a continuous process to improve university travel.

Some highlights of the policy changes include:

  • A simplified format, making the policy easier to use/follow
  • Definitions for commonly questioned terms
  • Electronic approval of travel vouchers, as defined in the policy
  • A new section addressing local travel or travel to other Clemson locations from a primary office
  • An update of IRS mileage reimbursement rate, as well as moving to a single, mileage reimbursement rate
  • A new section on the use of p-card as relates to employee travel, which also now allows the p-card to be used for rental cars
  • The removal of a 60-day limit for reimbursement. Reimbursement requests must be made within same fiscal year.
  • An increase of limits for when receipts are required from $5 to $25
  • A new section to highlight some of the more common allowable and non-allowable travel expenses

Procurement Services continues to work to improve the travel process with changes to the reimbursement form/process, foreign travel policy, and will maintain its collaboration with the State to explore options for meal per-diem rates.