Mathematical Sciences

Mathematical Sciences Hosts Second Annual Actuarial Exposition

As the first semester comes to a close, many Clemson students have already begun worrying about what their work plans are for the summer or after graduation. Well, for many of the students in the Clemson University Actuarial Club (CUAC), there’s no need to worry! On Tuesday, September 29th, the CUAC hosted its second annual Actuarial Expo career fair. Six companies with offices around the southeast came to recruit students for internships and full-time jobs. Not to be outdone by the delicious hors d’oeuvres or impressive list of employers in attendance, over 25 Clemson students from a variety of majors also came prepared to network at the Expo. The main event was hosted in the David Peebles room, but a handful of companies arrived early or stayed a day late in order to present about their programs and conduct on-campus interviews. Several companies have extended offers to students as a direct result of the event. Lindsey Moyer, a CUAC member and a senior who received an internship last year and, as a result, full-time job this year from the event had a few thoughts to share; “I think the Expo was really well run. The CUAC even helped us with our resumes and interviewing skills before the event and I felt very prepared.” Mark Cawood, co-advisor of the CUAC, added, “This was a great event! Students were able to meet prospective employers and discuss internships and jobs with them. We want to host this event every year.” The CUAC plans to host the event next year on Tuesday, September 27th in the David Peebles room. The event would not have been possible without the help of a committed officer board, our ever-helpful advisors, and the Math Department. Anyone interested in recruiting at the event next year can contact the club at