Mechanical Engineering

ME creative inquiry project featured in Tire Technology International magazine

The November 2016 issue of Tire Technology International magazine featured a story about one of our creative inquiry projects. The project is titled “Development of Sand Traction Concepts” and is led by Dr. Joshua Summers, a professor of mechanical engineering and a co-director of the Clemson Engineering Design Applications and Research (CEDAR) Group.

Ginn family’s $1M gift will support four endowments, including one in mechanical engineering

A family with three generations of Clemson University alumni has given $1 million to the school to benefit engineering, arts and humanities, and the library, all integral parts of their collegiate experience. Capt. Wilbur N. Ginn Jr., U.S. Navy, retired; and his wife, Dorothy, of Greenville, along with their son, Wilbur N. Ginn III, and his wife, Alice, of Florence, made […]