Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Students Promote the Study Abroad Experience

On Tuesday, November 20th three Mechanical Engineering Students spoke to Dr. Schweisinger’s class about their Study Abroad experiences. Students were then given an opportunity to ask question and learn more about their personal experiences and travels. Matt Fleck spoke of his experiences in Esslingen, Germany where he studied in an automotive engineering program. Owen Skonecki, […]

Carolinas SAE Student Night – February 2018 (Greenville, SC

On Thursday, 01 February 2018, Clemson University hosted the SAE Carolinas Student Night in collaboration with the SAE Carolina Section and Greenville Tech’s Center for Manufacturing Innovation (CMI). Students from Duke, NC State, Georgia Southern, UNC-Charlotte, NC A&T State, UNC-Ashville, and Clemson exhibited their mini baja and formula cars as well as airplane. The students also […]

Clemson Career Workshop Summer 2017 – Introduction to Engineering

This summer, 30 underrepresented high school students from across the state of South Carolina and even some parts of North Carolina participated in the Clemson Career Workshop.  The summer residential workshop combined learning opportunities with sessions on college preparation and life skills that increase the likelihood of success for a diverse population of eventual underclassmen.  […]

Homecoming Tailgate October 7th

Please join us on October 7th for the Mechanical Engineering Departmental Tailgate hosted by the M.E. Graduate Student Council. We will start four hours prior to kickoff in the area in front of the Fluor Daniel building near the sculpture. Food and beverages will be provided and door prizes will be given away. Family, friends, […]

Mechanical engineering seniors create equipment for elementary schools

Students from three elementary schools and one middle school visited Clemson University on Dec. 2 as part of a program that gives mechanical engineering majors a chance to design and build equipment while doing some good for the community and learning to interact with clients.

Circle of Design Workshop

The Clemson Engineering Design, Applications and Research (CEDAR) group under the direction of Drs. Fadel, Mocko and Summers, hosted an NSF sponsored workshop at the Madren Conference Center of Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina from November 14-17, 2015.  The workshop was entitled “THE CIRCLE OF DESIGN”. The aims of the workshop were twofold:  one, […]

Clemson Engineering Design Expo – Fall 2015

Check out how students in ME 4010 have helped elementary students gain an interest in STEAM by designing/building equipment to provide a hands-on learning experience. Clemson CES news story: More pictures from the expo can be found here: