
Mechanical Engineering Students Promote the Study Abroad Experience

November 26, 2018

On Tuesday, November 20th three Mechanical Engineering Students spoke to Dr. Schweisinger’s class about their Study Abroad experiences. Students were then given an opportunity to ask question and learn more about their personal experiences and travels.

Matt Fleck spoke of his experiences in Esslingen, Germany where he studied in an automotive engineering program. Owen Skonecki, who studied in Madrid, Spain shared his experiences of traveling abroad and meeting up with an old friend in Rome. Beth McAllister participated in the exchange program between Clemson University and the Technical University of Monterrey, Mexico. Dr. Martinez-Duarte, ME’s International Coordinator,  was also on stage facilitating the discussion.

For more information on Mechanical Engineering’s study abroad opportunities contact the Study Abroad Office.

Dr. Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte, Beth McAllister, Owen Skonecki and Mett Fleck leading the discussion.