Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Dutta receives special invitations

Dr. Sandip Dutta has been invited to edit a special issue of Energies Journal and was also invited to for the two-phase flow webinar where he discussed “Machine Learning in Two-Phase Heat Transfer” Congratulations to Dr. Dutta on these prestigious honors!

Dr. Chenning Tong awarded a major collaborative NSF grant

Dr. Chenning Tong has been awarded a major collaborative NSF grant with a budget of $2.2M ($1.2M for his group) to study the atmospheric boundary layer. The (unsolicited) NSF project is based on the theory of the atmospheric boundary layer that he proposed in 2015, and developed and tested in the past six years. The […]

Dr. Garrett Pataky wins NSF Career award

The title of his CAREER Award proposal is: Understanding the Interaction between Mechanical Twinning and Fatigue Crack Growth.  The total award is $555,634 over five years. We are so proud that our department has such a high number of CAREER awardees. It’s testament to the high caliber of our young faculty.  Garrett’s perseverance and hard […]

Dr. Oliver Myers becomes ASME Fellow

Congratulations to Dr. Oliver Myers for becoming an ASME Fellow. This is a great recognition of Dr. Myer’s personal achievement and makes the Clemson ME Department stronger, more visible and great place to work! Read more about what it means to be an ASME Fellow.

Dr. Cameron Turner wins ASME award

Mechanical Engineering professor Dr. Cameron Turner won the ASME’s Computers and Information in Engineering 2019 Distinguished Service Award. This was presented to him by CIE Division Chair Dr. Yan Wang at the ASME convention in Anaheim, CA on August 19, 2019. Congratulations Dr. Turner! Dr. Cameron Turner

Dr. Ardalan Vahidi co-authors new book

Mechanical Engineering Professor Ardalan Vahidi has co-authored a new book with fellow author Antonio Sciarretta. The book, Energy-Efficient Driving of Road Vehicles discusses how connected and automated vehicles are marketed for their increased safety, driving comfort, and time saving potential. With much easier access to information, increased processing power, and precision control, they also offer […]

Dr. Fadi Abdeljawad awarded the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award

Congratulations to Dr. Fadi Abdeljawad  who was awarded the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) For more information:

Dr. Fadi Abdeljawad Wins TMS Society Award

Dr. Fadi Abdeljawad wins the 2019 TMS Young Leaders International Scholar Award The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials (JIM) and the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS) established joint Young Leaders International Scholar Programs with TMS to promote young member activities and strengthen the collaborations between TMS and these two international societies. For this award, TMS, FEMS, and JIM identify […]