Mechanical Engineering

New Stanzione Professorships!

We are elated to share the big news about our three faculty who are the inaugural recipients of Stanzione Professorships.  Congratulations to Fadi Abdeljawad, Joshua Bostwick and Huijuan “Jane” Zhao! being the first three Clemson University mechanical engineers to receive the Stanzione Professorship. Bob and Kaye Stanzione have made a generous gift to endow multiple professorships in the department. We (college and department) have been working on this gift  for last few years and finally this gift has come through!!  The uniqueness of this endowment is that this endowment allowed us to reward and honor our young and brightest faculty who are future of our department. Often the endowed positions are targeted only at the senior levels. This endowment will help us recognize and retain our top-notch young faculty.

We thank Bob and Kaye Stanzione for their forward-thinking generosity, which made this honor possible.

Josh Bostwick
Fadi Abdeljawad
Jane Zhao