Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Online Syllabus Essentials

Creating a streamlined syllabus using the tool in Canvas allows you make adjustments and prioritize the essentials.

Keeping Grades Current in Canvas

Help your learners track their progress in the course by ensuring their grades are up to date in Canvas.  Canvas has many helpful tools to assist instructors with grading and tracking learning progress. It is important to put all assignments in Canvas, even if they are submitted on paper or presented live. This allows you […]

Learning Objectives

Clear learning objectives provide a strong foundation for designing your course and communicate to learners what they will accomplish.

Follow Up Friday

Design your course with the end in mind with backwards design. From the Archives: What is Backward Design? In its simplest form, it is designing a course with the ends in mind. It is a practice of identifying the end goals for learners and building the course backward from those end goals. This process ensures […]

Instructional Video Best Practices

Here are our top tips for making effective learning videos for your online courses. Top Tips Be yourself Talk as you would to students face to face. It is ok to make mistakes, just correct them quickly and move on as you would live. Look at the camera as you speak. The goal is to […]