Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Canvas Accessibility Highlights

On October 15, Clemson Online hosted Canvas Accessibility Day, during which various learning strategists and course designers hosted presentations related to digital accessibility. The purpose of these sessions was to provide instructors with helpful information on how to get started with implementing and complying with accessible course design standards. Did you miss out on Canvas […]

Follow-Up Friday

ICYMI: Utilizing New Analytics in Canvas On September 26th, IT Services Specialist John Dickinson facilitated a Quick Hits session dedicated to understanding the New Analytics feature in Canvas. The training explores New Analytics’s various features, including new messaging features, weekly online activity overviews, and new course grade analytics. Canvas’s New Analytics feature offers an in-depth […]

Flip Ends Canvas Integration

Flip will no longer be available for download from mobile app stores, and its integration within Canvas will be discontinued.

Follow Up Friday

Check out the recordings from our three Kaltura training sessions last week.

Follow Up Friday

Kaltura interactive videos make your lecture videos more interactive and engaging for students.