Ringing in the New Year: A Letter from Our Executive Director

Dear PEER & WISE family,

Season’s greetings! As 2020 ends, we hope you take a moment to rest and reflect on an incredibly challenging year. Looking back on this historic fall, the word resiliency comes to mind. Resiliency is not a new phrase to our PEER & WISE family, but it is certainly a skillset that we have practiced and refined during this season.

We want to congratulate our students for their hard work and perseverance. We delight in your success and commend you for daring greatly as you invest in your bright futures. This spring, we look forward to seeing you thrive and welcoming you back on campus.

For our graduates, we hope you hear our cheers as you begin your careers or advance your studies. Graduation is a monumental moment of celebration. Each one of you are going to do a world of good and we cannot wait to see where your knowledge takes you.

To our alumni, we miss you tremendously and we hope this message finds you and yours well. We equally delight in your success and seeing you thrive. Please know that whether you are near or far, your Clemson family is always here for you.

As we prepare for the 2021 year, the team and I are setting grand goals, but we need your help. No matter where you are in your Clemson journey, a current student, recent graduate or alumni, PEER & WISE wants to hear from you. If you would, please take 10 minutes to share how PEER & WISE has impacted your Clemson experience. Together, we will use this knowledge to better our program, enhancing student experiences for years to come. Thank you for your time and support of your PEER & WISE family!

Go Tigers!

Serita Acker, Executive Director


Link to PEER WISE survey: