
2020Forward: Town Hall Meeting

June 15, 2015

Our 2020Forward strategic plan continues to take shape, and once again, you have an opportunity to be part of the process at a Town Hall meeting Tuesday, June 16, from 4 to 6 p.m. in 100 Brackett Hall. I encourage you to attend and actively participate.

You will hear an update and have a chance to pose questions to Provost Bob Jones and 2020Forward Co-chairs Dr. Ellen Granberg, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, and Brett Dalton, Vice President for Finance and Operations. If you are not able to attend in person, the Town Hall will be streamed live on ClemsonTV. You may review report summaries, recommendations and comments at

Please remember that this isn’t my plan, and it isn’t the Provost’s plan. It is our plan. The priorities we set and the decisions we make will impact Clemson not just for the next few years but for generations to come. It is vitally important that faculty, staff and students help chart the path forward.

I am very pleased with the progress that has been made to date and the level of transparency and campus engagement. I sincerely appreciate the work of the leadership team and everyone who has devoted time and energy to this process. You are making a positive difference for our students and our university.

Go Tigers!


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