South Carolina Crops

2021 State Corn and Soybean Meeting – 12/8 – In-Person

The South Carolina Corn and Soybean Growers Meeting will resume in 2021. This year’s meeting will consist of an in-person event at the Santee Conference Center in Santee, SC on Wednesday, December 8th, 2021. An updated announcement and agenda will be released in the coming weeks as speakers and schedules are confirmed. If you have […]

Soybean Growth Staging Timeline – Fungicide Timing/Recommendation

I hope everyone has had a good weekend. In response to this weekend’s Soybean Rust Update from Jonathan Croft, Joe Varn, and Dr. Mueller about confirming soybean rust on soybean in Bamberg, South Carolina, I wanted to provide a few recommendations as we begin applying fungicides or considering doing so. The crop progress report from […]

Post-Harvest Weed Control Options in Corn

Corn harvest in South Carolina typically begins in August. The weeds remaining after harvest can contribute to future infestations. This is because we have several months of good growing conditions for weeds after harvest. For example, Palmer amaranth, sicklepod, and annual morningglory can continue to grow and produce seed. Palmer amaranth is capable of producing […]

Corn and Soybean Turnrow Drop-In – Holly Hill, SC 8/20

On August 20th from 10:00am-Noon a drop-in will be held at the dryland corn hybrid strip trial located in the field at the intersection of Mt. Olive Rd and Hwy 176.  This directly across Hwy 176 in front of Mt Olive Ame Church (4630 Old State Rd, Holly Hill, SC 29059).  Dr. Michael Plumblee, Extension […]

Peanut, Horticulture, and Agronomic Crops Field Day – Sept. 2nd – Blackville, SC

Clemson University has scheduled an in-person field day at the Edisto Research and Education Center in Blackville, SC for September 2nd, 2021. Registration will be from 8-9AM. The morning program will consist of concurrent peanut and horticultural crop programs followed by lunch. After lunch an agronomic crops (cotton, corn, soybean) session will begin and conclude at 4PM. Please […]

Cotton, Soybean, and Peanut Scouting Schools – Scheduled

Scouting School dates are set for our 2021 in-field, in-person workshops devoted to scouting for insect issues in cotton, soybeans, and peanut. The dates and locations for these scouting workshops are below. See attachments to preregister and for more details. • 28 July in Manning, SC, at the Clarendon Extension Office (21 West Rigby Street, […]

Fungicides, Pre-Harvest Weed Control, Stinkbugs, and Irrigation

Corn Everyone had to watch as Elsa passed over South Carolina over the last few days. Fortunately, for the most part if you were off the coast rainfall and winds stayed in the manageable levels.  However, it very well may have blown spores into our state for several diseases including Southern rust on corn, soybean […]

Water Requirements for Activating Preemergence Herbicides

With rain visiting our state today, the topic of how much rainfall does it take is timely. Surface applied herbicides, such as Prowl or Valor, typically need a minimum amount water after application to properly “activate” in the upper soil profile. Activation means the herbicide is dissolved in the soil water solution and readily absorbed […]