South Carolina Crops

Science for Success – Soybean Webinar Series – 3/31

The Science for Success team is hosting a spring webinar series “Keys to Early Season Soybean Success”.  Our third webinar will be this Friday, March 31, 2023 “N-Fixation and Sulfur Fertility in Soybeans

We welcome you to join us for the three webinars and would greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word to farmers, agents and agronomists in your area.

For registration information and more details on each event see the attached flyer or go to:

Science for Success is a team open to any Soybean Extension Specialist in the US. For more information on who we are and what we do check out our information on SRIN or follow us on Twitter @SoybeanScience1

If you are interested in joining our team please reach out to me or Dr. Rachel Vann !