South Carolina Crops

Science for Success – Soybean Webinar Recordings

Science for Success is a group of Extension soybean specialists from across the United States that collaborate on assembling Extension and research materials. During March, this group hosted three webinars on topics including: 1. Replant Decisions, 2. Planter Technologies, and 3. Nitrogen Fixation/Sulfur. If you were not able to attend these webinars live, the recordings […]

Science for Success – Soybean Webinar Series – 3/31

The Science for Success team is hosting a spring webinar series “Keys to Early Season Soybean Success”.  Our third webinar will be this Friday, March 31, 2023 “N-Fixation and Sulfur Fertility in Soybeans“ We welcome you to join us for the three webinars and would greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word to farmers, […]

Variety Selection – Soybean Factsheet

Interested in finding out more information about soybean variety selection? Check out this new variety selection factsheet put together by a group of Soybean Extension Specialists from around the United States. Keys to Success: Choosing the Right Soybean Variety Factsheet:

Planter Technologies – Factsheet

Interested in finding out more information about new and existing planter technologies and how they impact soybean? Check out this quick read planter technology factsheet put together by a group of Soybean Extension Specialists from around the United States.  Planter Technologies Factsheet:

Science for Success – Soybean Webinar Series – 3/17

The Science for Success team is hosting a spring webinar series “Keys to Early Season Soybean Success”.  Our first webinar will be this Friday, March 17, 2023 “When Early Planting Doesn’t  Work Out – Do I Replant, Repair-Plant or Leave This Pitiful Stand?”  We welcome you to join us for the three webinars and would […]