April 3, 2023
Science for Success is a group of Extension soybean specialists from across the United States that collaborate on assembling Extension and research materials. During March, this group hosted three webinars on topics including: 1. Replant Decisions, 2. Planter Technologies, and 3. Nitrogen Fixation/Sulfur. If you were not able to attend these webinars live, the recordings […]
March 27, 2023
The Science for Success team is hosting a spring webinar series “Keys to Early Season Soybean Success”. Our third webinar will be this Friday, March 31, 2023 “N-Fixation and Sulfur Fertility in Soybeans“ We welcome you to join us for the three webinars and would greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word to farmers, […]
March 17, 2023
Interested in finding out more information about soybean variety selection? Check out this new variety selection factsheet put together by a group of Soybean Extension Specialists from around the United States. Keys to Success: Choosing the Right Soybean Variety Factsheet: https://soybeanresearchinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/20230124_Factsheet_VarietySelection_V2.pdf
March 14, 2023
Interested in finding out more information about new and existing planter technologies and how they impact soybean? Check out this quick read planter technology factsheet put together by a group of Soybean Extension Specialists from around the United States. Planter Technologies Factsheet: https://soybeanresearchinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/20230110_Factsheet_PlanterTechnologies_V2.pdf
March 14, 2023
The Science for Success team is hosting a spring webinar series “Keys to Early Season Soybean Success”. Our first webinar will be this Friday, March 17, 2023 “When Early Planting Doesn’t Work Out – Do I Replant, Repair-Plant or Leave This Pitiful Stand?” We welcome you to join us for the three webinars and would […]