South Carolina Crops

Soybean Update – 5/12

Around 10% of soybean acres have been planted across the state, only a few percent behind the 5-year
average. As cotton and peanut planting continues and wraps up, I anticipate soybean planted acres will
increase rapidly depending on weather conditions. Dry weather across the state has allowed for fieldwork
to be conducted but has delayed or paused some planting on certain dryland fields, irrigation systems are
likely running to help activate PRE herbicides and assist with germination. Be mindful of field history and
utilizing inoculants where needed to prevent the need for supplemental nitrogen later, inoculants are
cheap compared to fertilizer. Clemson recommends using an inoculant if soybean has not been planted in
the field within the last three years. The updated soybean production guide is online at: and hard copies are available.