CECAS Student Opportunities

2025 Summer Research Internship Program in Biomedical Engineering & Informatics

Wake Forest University is inviting current undergraduate students and master’s level graduate students to apply for our 2025 Summer Research Internship Program in Biomedical Engineering & InformaticsSee the information below for full details regarding our program and where to apply. Their internship program job posting is also available via Handshake & LinkedIn!



Our 10-week internship program from May 26th to August 1st, 2025, offers research opportunities focused on Imaging and Mechanics-based Projects on Accidental Cases of Trauma (IMPACT)Culturally Augmented Learning in Biomedical Informatics Research (CALIBIR), and many other topics such as: 

  • Injury prediction modeling
  • Finite element modeling applied to trauma
  • Military, sports, and spaceflight safety
  • Osteoporosis prevention
  • Biomechanical injury mechanisms
  • Diagnostics and therapies for cancer patients
  • Medical device testing and prototyping
  • Data Science, Biomedical Informatics, & Analytics
  • Public Health & Personalized Medicine
  • Advanced Imaging & Diagnostics
  • Machine Learning & AI Applications
  • Healthcare Innovation

Visit our website to view all research projects offered for summer of 2025: https://tinyurl.com/BME-REU-WFU

Additionally, part of our internship includes the opportunity for up to four select student to participate in the entrepreneurial Research Experience for Undergraduates (eREU) KEEN program. The KEEN (Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network) program collaborates with Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), and Rowan University funded by the Kern Family Foundation. This program initiative is designed to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset in engineering students by integrating real-world problem-solving with technical expertise. For more information, view the attached program flyer or visit our website!

The program is highly competitive! Applicants should be either an undergraduate or master’s level student actively enrolled and pursuing a degree in engineering, mechanics, bioengineering, biotechnology, informatics, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, biology, pre-medicine, or other STEM related fields to be eligible.

All students participating in the program will carry out research under the supervision of prominent BME and CAIR research faculty, write a research abstract, present their work, and have additional opportunities to see their work published. Our program provides hands-on research experiences for undergraduate and master’s students from across the country. Participants engage in boot camps, seminars, trainings, social events, and networking opportunities.

Students admitted into the program will receive an internship stipend for their participation and on-campus housing for non-local students.

We are committed to providing research opportunities to all students, with a special interest in applications from students attending colleges with limited research opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). First-generation college attendees, community college, and local North Carolina/Winston-Salem college students are also encouraged to apply.

The main criteria for the selection of summer interns will be based on experience, academic excellence, and the match of applicant interests with those of participating faculty researchers. In addition to the completed online application, applicants must submit:

  • 1-page personal statement
  • Resume/CV
  • Academic transcript(s) – unofficial or official accepted
  • One academic/professional reference
    • Personal references (including family members) are not accepted.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Minimum age: 18 years old (by May 26th, 2025)
  • Completed at least 2 semesters of undergraduate or graduate education (by May 26th, 2025)
    • Those who graduate from their academic institution before the start of the program are ineligible for participation.
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, U.S. permanent residents, and international students currently attending an U.S. academic institution under a J-1 or F-1 visa are eligible.
    • Note: There are a limited number of spots for international students due to grant eligibility