
ML III (Junior) Land Navigation Lab 26 September 2013

October 13, 2013

DSC_0007On September 26, 2013, the ML III class conducted daytime, land navigation training in order to sharpen their skills and improve their confidence in navigating with a map and compass. To accomplish this training in the allotted two hours of lab time, the Cadets had a quick formation on Lot 12 in front of the Army ROTC headquarters and then loaded the battalion’s vans to be transported to Fants Grove for training. Upon arrival, the ML III class had another quick formation for accountability, the clock was set with a time limit of an hour and a half, and the Cadets set off to try and find four markers each in Fants Grove. Land navigation training is not only a test of the Cadets’ ability to navigate, but it is also a test of their physical fitness as they move as quickly as possible through rugged terrain in an attempt to find all of their assigned markers. Some of the ML IIIs who were weaker in their land navigation competence received guidance from ML IVs (seniors) to assist them and give them pointers. The training went very well, and the ML III class is progressing well through their junior year. The lab ended with transportation back to Lot 12 and a final formation for dismissal.


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