Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

Dr. Mark Blenner awarded Young Investigator Award from the AFOSR

Dr. Mark Blenner, Assistant Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, recently received a prestigious Young Investigator Award from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research to study strategies for engineering enzymes for more robust activity in changing and extreme terrestrial environments. The project entitled “Engineering Robust Enzyme Activity Through Fundamental Studies of Extremophile Enzymes” was […]

Water and energy, a growing concern

Dr. Scott Husson (ChBE) and Dr. David Ladner (EEES) are collaborating on research addressing the “water-energy nexus” as members of Clemson’s Water-Energy Consortium (WEC). The WEC comprises over 40 Clemson faculty members whose mission is to “contribute research leading to technology innovations in water systems with a minimization of energy and carbon footprints, as well […]

Graduate student awards

ChBE graduate student, Christine Duval, was honored by the College of Engineering and Science with the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant award. She was presented this award by Dean Gramopadhye at a banquet in April. Christine won this award based on the tremendous impact she has in the classroom. The Department also presented Margarita Arcila-Velez with […]

Undergraduate student awards

At the College of Engineering and Science awards banquet in April, Dean Gramopadhye and Dr. Hirt presented Trey Ryder with the Western S.C. Section AIChE Scholastic Achievement Award.   This award is presented to the graduating senior in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering with the highest scholastic average. The department ChBE Undergraduate Researcher of the Year Award […]

Congratulations CHBE class of 2015!

The Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department would like to congratulate the Senior Class of 2015. The students were honored at a Senior Reception on April 23rd at the Madren Center, and the department hosted an Open House for the graduates and their families on graduation day, May 8th. The faculty and staff of ChBE wish all […]

Dr. Kyle Brinkman receives Outstanding Young Alumni Award

Dr. Kyle Brinkman was honored at the 20th Annual College of Engineering and Science banquet on April 30th with the Outstanding Young Alumni Award.   The award was presented to him by Dean Anand Gramopadhye and department chair, Dr. Doug Hirt. At a relatively young age, Prof. Kyle Brinkman has established an impressive track record of […]

Class of ’65 celebrates 50th reunion

The Alumni Association hosted their annual Golden Tiger Class Reunion across campus on June 11th and 12th. We were honored to host our very own Chemical Engineering Class of 1965 in Earle Hall on the afternoon of the 12th. This reunion was organized by their fellow classmate Frank Shuler and a great time was had […]