June 6, 2022
Missoury Lytle is ending her second year of Ph.D. studies on a high note, receiving an award that recognizes her advocacy for women at Clemson University. She won an Award of Excellence for the Advancement of Women in the graduate category from the Clemson University Commission on Women. Missoury received her Bachelor of Science in […]
June 6, 2022
You might call Ricardo García Cárcamo of Clemson University a “model” student. Not only is Ricardo good at what he does, but he also works exclusively with computer models. Ricardo is a Ph.D. student in the lab of Dr. Rachel Getman, the Murdoch Family Endowed Associate Professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering. The students in […]
June 17, 2021
Dr. Jessica Larsen’s Research Lab – Grace Anderson, a junior undergraduate researcher for Dr. Jessica Larsen, is working on an SC BioCRAFT funded project this summer. The overarching goal of Grace’s project is to improve the current standard of care for brain tumors. Cancerous cells left adjacent to the removed tumor account for 96% of […]
June 11, 2021
Four student researchers engaged in catalytic materials and reaction engineering research at Dr. Ming Yang’s group have been recently recognized by the university and external funding agencies for their ongoing research work that aims to tackle climate change and to harvest clean energies. Luis Morales and John Yeager, junior undergraduate students, were recently accepted into […]