Jane A. McLamarrah left her mark on history in 1985 when she became the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in civil engineering from Clemson University. It was a time of minimal support for women and others underrepresented in engineering. She felt she needed to be twice as good and obtain twice as many credentials to succeed in the male-dominated profession. McLamarrah now serves as vice president of global engineering design firm Stantec. She credits communication skills, interpersonal relationships, and the ability to develop new skills for her success. Prior to her position with Stantec, McLamarrah worked for consulting and engineering firms in South Carolina and Wisconsin. She has specialized in master planning and wastewater collection systems, including the innovative Atlanta Integrated Water Resources Plan that used a computer optimization model to prioritize Capital Improvement Plan projects developed by the city’s three individual master plans for water, wastewater, and stormwater. She and her husband, Michael F. Kohl, have established the Jane A. McLamarrah Fund for Women in Science and Engineering at Clemson. Her previous honors include the University of Wisconsin-Platteville Distinguished Alumna award and the Golden Manhole Service Award for her volunteer work with the Water Environment Federation Collection Systems Committee.