Civil Engineering

Faculty Commitment to Excellence

CE Faculty continue to excel in their commitment to excellence. Dr. Ashok Mishra received two awards, a National Science Foundation Career Award  a University Research Scholarship and Artistic Achievement Award (URSAA), which recognizes Clemson University faculty who have achieved the highest levels of national and international recognition. Faculty selected for URSAAA recognition are lifetime appointees invited […]

Dr. Qiushi Chen is part of a 1.8 Million Research Grant to study Next generation of Biorefinery Process Design

Dr. Qiushi Chen is part of a 1.8 Million Research Grant to study Next generation of biorefinery process design. New research based on a collaboration among Clemson University, Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) will develop analytical models to optimize the design of the feeding system. Read more

Sruthy Agnisarman—Named Student Member with Honors

Sruthy Agnisarman, a PhD student in the Glenn Department of Civil Engineering, was named a Student Member with Honors  of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society at the association’s annual meeting. She joined a select rank of students worldwide to receive the award, the highest student honor awarded by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. […]