Civil Engineering

Sruthy Agnisarman—Named Student Member with Honors

Sruthy Agnisarman, a PhD student in the Glenn Department of Civil Engineering, was named a Student Member with Honors  of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society at the association’s annual meeting. She joined a select rank of students worldwide to receive the award, the highest student honor awarded by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.  To receive the award, a student must have achieved several milestones, including serving as first author on a peer-reviewed journal article related to human factors research, receiving top grades in human factors classes and actively participating in service activities of the ergonomics society. A student must also have presented research at a national meeting of the society. Sruthy is the student of Dr. Kapil Chalil Madathil. His area of research is in applying the knowledge base of human factors engineering to the design and operation of sustainable human-computer systems that involve rich interactions among people and technology. His research covers the entire spectrum of system design: from identifying the user needs to designing and developing computing systems that inform and motivate user behavior and empirically evaluating the efficacy of these interventions.  Using qualitative and quantitative methodologies, his research attempts to understand how humans perceive, make sense of, and interact with human-machine systems.  His current research focuses on how sustainable human computer interaction research might be extended to play a broader role in tackling global sustainability issues and supporting the societal change that this will require.