
Pipeline to Sustainabilty

August 14, 2019

Dr. Kalyan Piratla and his PhD student, Mr. Harshit Shukla, co-presented a research paper at the 2019 International Conference on Resource Sustainability (iCRS Cities) held in Adelaide, Australia in July 2019. In this presentation, they shared the methodology and findings of their NSF-funded research work focused on using image classification techniques for automated leakage detection in buried water pipelines.

Their research project is aimed at developing and testing non-intrusive techniques to support continuous near real-time leakage monitoring of water distribution pipelines. As a follow-up to using physics-based approaches for leakage detection using pipeline acceleration data, they used deep learning algorithms to classify scalogram images of acceleration signal data to rapidly and reliably detect leakages in buried water pipelines.

Dr. Piratla also participated on the editor’s panel during the conference. The main goal of the editors’ panel at this conference was to discuss various issues associated with publishing peer-reviewed scientific research work. Dr. Piratla represented the ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice on this panel.  Other panelists include Editors-in-Chief and Associate Editors of reputed journals focused on the sustainability of resources.

Dr. Kalyan Piratla is the Liles Distinguished Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Clemson University.