Although we may be limited in our interactions, we definitely do not want to be strangers. Our Meet the Department series hopes to introduce you to our faculty and staff that support our undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Communication.
Meet: Charles Brewer

The next faculty member we would like to introduce is Charles Brewer, Lecturer in the Department of Communication
Professor Brewer, who teaches public speaking, studied at Christopher Newport University. Professor Brewer focuses on structuring his lessons differently for each class. He likes to vary his teaching methods to increase engagement as well as give students who learn in different ways the opportunity to grasp the material.
Professor Brewer sets up his class so that each student has the potential for individual growth through confidence building. In order to succeed in Brewer’s class, all he asks of his students is that they do the work and give their best effort.
Charles Brewer loves Clemson and specifically loves that the faculty and students are all one big family. Accordingly, Professor Brewer dislikes not being face to face for this semester but is looking forward to seeing everyone in the future.
Until then, learn more about Charles Brewer in the video below.