Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clemson

ECE graduate wins elite honor

In his first year after graduating from Clemson University, Charles Dove won the prestigious Hertz Fellowship, started a Ph.D. program at the University of California, Berkeley and conducted scientific research worthy of a Fulbright scholarship.

Charles Dove

He did it all from his bedroom in Clemson.

“It’s been a hectic year for everyone, but I’ve been having a lot of fun getting into research and doing work that hopefully will help a lot of people,” Dove said.

Dove last year received his Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from Clemson. He went on to apply for the Hertz Fellowship, one of the nation’s most competitive awards for graduate students.

Out of more than 900 applicants from around the world, Dove was among 12 this year to receive the fellowship. It comes with five years of funding up to $250,000 and the freedom to pursue innovative projects wherever they may lead, according to The Hertz Foundation website.

Read more on the ClemsonNews article.