With 43 presentations covering issues addressing hydrogeology, groundwater quality, and use, the 24th annual David S. Snipes/Clemson Hydrogeology Symposium will draw scientists and engineers from universities, government and industry to the Madren Conference Center at Clemson University on March 31st. Sponsored by Clemson’s Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences department, the symposium will draw 30 commercial […]
An article published by Dr. Tanju Karanfil and his former doctoral student, Meric Selbes, was selected by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) as the 2016 recipient of the AWWA Membrane Treatment Best Paper. The article is entitled “Optimization of Coagulation Pretreatment Conditions in a Ceramic Membrane System.” It was published in the December 2015 […]
Cassidy Laird, a member of Clemson University’s Tiger Band, helped football fans celebrate touchdowns the past four years by playing Tiger Rag on her alto saxophone. Now the senior from Fleming Island, Florida, has another reason to cheer. Laird has won the Roger R. and Laura M. Yoerger Preprofessional Engineer of the Year Award from […]
EEES doctoral student Mahmut Selim Ersan and his advisors (Professors David Ladner and Tanju Karanfil) were recently honored by having their research featured on the cover of Environmental Science & Technology Letters. The citation for the article is listed below. Congratulations on your excellent work. Ersan, M.S.; Ladner, D.A.; Karanfil, T. “N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) Precursors Leach […]