Dr. Michael Carbajales-Dale was recently honored with an Award of Distinction by the National Scholars Program (NSP) for his mentorship. Awards of Distinction are made each spring semester by NSP students who have been greatly impacted by a mentor at Clemson. Amanda Farthing, a senior Industrial Engineering major, nominated Dr. Dale for the award. Amanda met Dr. Dale shortly after he joined Clemson in August 2014, and over the course of 2 ½ years they were able to develop a project analyzing solar energy in South Carolina. Dr. Dale’s mentorship guided their research to be published in the journal BioPhysical Economics and Resource Quality and helped Amanda satisfy the requirements of the National Academy of Engineers Grand Challenge Scholar Program. Amanda described Dr. Dale’s mentorship by saying, “Dr. Dale has met with me weekly, answered my emails almost daily, invited me to his research group meetings, and allowed me to come to him with questions ranging from summer internships to grad school to Fulbright plans to big picture 40-year life plan.”
Congratulations, Dr. Dale!