Wade Stackhouse Graduate Fellowship
August 27, 2015
Graduate students Rick Boyles, Zach Brenton, Grace Kisirkoi, William Poehlman, and Stephen Nowak received the Wade Stackhouse Graduate Fellowship for 2015-16.
August 27, 2015
Graduate students Rick Boyles, Zach Brenton, Grace Kisirkoi, William Poehlman, and Stephen Nowak received the Wade Stackhouse Graduate Fellowship for 2015-16.
August 26, 2015
EPIC and EPIC Scholars are hosting our Third Annual Cell Biology of Eukaryotic Pathogens Symposium on Thursday and Friday, October 22nd-23rd. Come join us for two days of the latest research on Eukaryotic Pathogens from around the region, with a keynote presentation by Dr. Michael Grigg of the NIH. Registration and more information can be […]
August 18, 2015
Ashley Crook and Stephen Nowak received travel grants from the American Society of Plant Biology and presented their research at the ASPB national meeting in Minneapolis July 19-23.