Mary “Ali” Hobbs, a senior industrial engineering student from Anderson, South Carolina, was awarded a scholarship sponsored by Parallon Workforce Solutions in recognition of her contributions to industrial engineering in healthcare. She was presented this award at the 2015 Healthcare Systems Process Improvement Conference, which took place in February at Orlando, Florida.
This national award competition is run by the Society of Health Systems (SHS), a society of the Institute of Industrial Engineers. SHS is a resource and support association that serves the needs of healthcare professionals throughout the world by contributing to the improvement of healthcare processes through systems engineering, analysis and process improvement methods.
Ms. Hobbs currently serves as the president of the local chapter of the Institute of Healthcare Improvement Open School and has also served as its secretary and treasurer. She has enhanced her Clemson experience by conducting research in hospital and clinical settings as well by working as an intern for Northeastern University’s Health Systems Engineering Institute in Boston last summer. Hobbs is scheduled to graduate with her BS degree in May, and plans to continue her education at Clemson in the industrial engineering MS program, concentrating on human factors in healthcare.