Inside Clemson

Alpha Beta Drive, student union courtyard impacted by construction

Alpha Beta Road
Alpha Beta Drive

Alpha Beta Drive, located near the Union and Norris Hall will close for construction Sept. 28 through Oct. 3.

This road leads to the Parking and Transportation Services office, Harcombe Dining Hall, university mail room and post office, the university municipal court and student government office. As a result, no personal vehicles will be permitted in that area beginning, Sept. 28.

Access to this area will be controlled after the entrance to the E-5 parking lot located next to Fike Recreation Center. Deliveries to those buildings will be redirected with appropriate detour signage.

Student Union courtyard
Student Union courtyard

Lower level courtyard

Work in the lower level of the Student Union courtyard (in front of the Student Union Starbucks) has begun. Access to buildings will be maintained, but there will be a fence around this area, so be careful.