Inside Clemson

CCIT to offer free Linux & Palmetto cluster training courses

CCIT is offering the following in-person training courses to help faculty and students prepare for using Clemson’s advanced computing resources for research and class assignments:

Introduction to Linux from the Command Line (Thursday, Aug. 28, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Barre Hall room B106)

This short course offers participants an introduction to using Linux in a command-line environment (from a terminal window) for anyone who needs the command-line skills necessary for using  an advanced computing system like the Palmetto cluster. Topics covered will include the Bash shell, filesystem navigation, useful commands, manipulating files and folders, file and directory permissions, text editors, installing and running programs.

CITI Workshop: Introduction to Advanced Computing and the Palmetto Cluster (Thursday, Aug. 28, 1-4 p.m., Cooper Library room 309)

Introduction to accessing and using the Palmetto cluster for running computational jobs.  Topics covered will include system architecture, available software, installing new software, customizing your user environment, useful commands, the PBS batch queuing system, batch job scripts, using interactive jobs, managing jobs, and using the /newscratch filesystem.

Register for these courses here.

Participants are expected to bring their own laptops.

Contact Galen Collier with any questions.