Inside Clemson

Clemson reviewing Title IX training module content

Clemson University has suspended an online Title IX training module to further review the content.

“This online course, used by other universities across the country, was selected to be given to undergraduate students this summer and fall as part of a comprehensive effort to prevent sexual discrimination, harassment and assault in response to growing concerns about these incidents on campuses across the nation and to meet federal requirements,” said Shannon Finning, dean of students and associate vice president for Student Affairs.

“We learned of concerns about some anonymous questions in the module for undergraduate students.  We have suspended the training until the content is further reviewed and revised to ensure that it meets our goal of making Clemson a safer campus for all students, faculty and staff, while also respecting individual privacy.”

Individual responses to the questions posed during the training are anonymous and cannot be seen by Clemson or the vendor that provided the training module.