Inside Clemson

Steam outages scheduled for main campus

July 22 four-hour steam outage to impact 90 percent of campus

A four-hour steam outage affecting 90 percent of the university’s main campus will begin at 9 a.m. Wednesday, July 22. According to the Facilities department, the outage is needed to address a steam leak. The outage also allows personnel to prepare for more extensive work on the Core Campus project site.

All systems that depend on the use of steam will be affected. These systems include building heating systems; hot water; autoclaves/sterilizers; dishwashers; and any equipment, process or research activities that use central campus steam.

Officials report that unaffected areas include the Athletics loop (includes Fike, Jervey, McFadden, Littlejohn Coliseum and the WestZone.
July 22-24 steam outage to impact a smaller area of campus

A related steam outage will occur from 1 p.m. Wednesday July 22 until 4:30 p.m. Friday July 24.

Officials report that this outage is needed to address piping and valving issues on the Core Campus project site.

The outage will affect a small portion of the campus, including Wannamaker, Simpson, Norris, Bradley, Bowen, Godfrey, Tillman, Holtzendorff, Mell, Harcombe Dining, Student Union and Johnstone A.

Those in affected areas may notice some variations in the air conditioning system. Facilities department officials said adjustments will be made to offset the loss of steam, where applicable.
For more information about these outages, contact Brian Kauer.