Inside Clemson

Employee Shout-Outs – December 19, 2024

Sara Plumb, Lead, Procurement & Payroll Support; CECAS Business Office

I want to thank Sara for being so helpful and supportive over the last few months. She is a great leader, trainer, and positive force on the CECAS PPS Team!” – Anonymous

Cameryn Kirmss, Business Intelligence Analyst
“From MarCom to Advancement to Auxiliaries to Human Resources, Cameryn and her colleagues are making a big impact by providing new, exciting tools and analytics to many teams at Clemson University with an aim to improve planning and operations!” – Anonymous

Connie Robinson, Administrative Coordinator, Dean’s Office, College of Architecture, Art and Construction
“Connie was so kind and welcoming to a new employee in our College. She went out of her way to check in on the employee for the first few weeks.” – Anonymous

Robyn Williams, HR Service Manager 

Robyn is always so helpful and timely with answering our HR questions and requests. She is a joy to work with, and I appreciate her work ethic.” – Candice Heatherly, Administrative Officer, CAFLS

Want to shout-out a colleague for their great work? Fill out our short nomination form and visit previous editions!