As Clemson University approaches the Nov. 12 deadline for all faculty and staff to complete Conflict of Interest (COI) and Information Security Awareness (ISA) training, an Oct. 28 review indicates substantial progress toward the University’s 2019 goal of 100 percent participation.
As of Oct. 28, 54 percent of all faculty and staff had completed the COI training and 52 percent had completed the ISA training.
The annual renewal of these two 15 to 40-minute required trainings began Oct.1, and the deadline for 100 percent completion is Nov. 12.
Required training still on the to-do list?
- Tiger Training will send you timely reminders until you have completed the trainings and your conflict of interest disclosure (if applicable).
- Tiger Training is where you log in to complete the training.
- Training may be completed 24/7 during the period leading to the Nov. 12 deadline.
- The Conflict of Interest Knowledge Center and the Cybersecurity Knowledge Center are helpful resources.
Important! Nov. 12 Deadline
- Avoid disruptions by completing required training before the deadline to ensure computing access is not denied.
- Several alerts will be issued before the Nov. 12 deadline.
- In the event a faculty or staff member is denied computing access and cannot log in as an employee, CCIT’s Service Desk will help. Call (864) 656-3494.