Livestock and Forages

Late summer considerations for forage systems

In the Southeast region, most livestock operations are based on the use of perennial warm-season grasses. Due to the seasonality of production, there is a need to provide supplemental feed to livestock during the cooler months. In this context, implementing management strategies such as stockpiling forages, feeding hay or non-forage feedstuff, or planting cool-season annuals […]

It`s time to plan your fall forage planting

In the Southeast region, most livestock operations are primarily based on perennial warm-season grasses. Due to the seasonality of production, there is a need to provide supplemental feed for livestock during the fall and winter months by stockpiling forages, feeding hay or non-forage feedstuff, or planting cool-season annuals. Annual cool-season forages have high forage quality […]

Maintaining Clean Drinking Water for Livestock

Water is essential for many biological functions, such as animal digestion and thermoregulation. Adequate access to clean drinkable water supports better feed consumption and more efficient nutrient absorption. On average, adult cattle consumes between 10 to 20 gallons of water per day depending on size, diet, and weather conditions. Bad taste and odor due to […]

Johnsongrass on Pastures

Johnsongrass [Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.] is a warm-season perennial bunchgrass that can grow up to 6 ft tall. It is best adapted to clay soils, spreads by rhizomes and seeds, and is drought tolerant. Johnsongrass can be found along roadsides and in annual and perennial fields and can rapidly become a troublesome weed in hayfields. […]

Tips to Maintain Herd Health During Hot Weather

Over the past weeks, we have seen the heat index go over 100 °F, and temperatures are still on the rise. If you have been spending time outside lately, you probably struggled with the hot (and some days humid) conditions. For the livestock is no difference. This is a challenging time for our cattle herds […]

Dealing With Farm Stress

Farming is a stressful occupation when times are good. Volatile commodity markets, skyrocketing energy costs (gas and farm fuel prices), record fertilizer prices, shortages of certain  pesticides, lime, machinery parts, and other essential agricultural-related inputs, in addition to the ever-present uncertainties of the weather, are just a few issues that are weighing heavily on the […]

Profitability in the Cow-Calf Operation: Factors to Consider

As cattle producers, it is interesting to listen to various conversations and philosophies among fellow cattlemen. For the most part, you hear folks discussing various pros and cons of breeds, what to fertilize with, what type forages do you have, etc. Ask yourself this, how many times do you or others around you talk about […]

Insights from January 2022 Cattle Inventory Report

The 2022 January Cattle Inventory Report was released by the National Agriculture Statistics Service (NASS) on January 31, 2022. Below are some insights from the report. As of January 1, 2022, the US cattle inventory totaled 91.9 million head, 2 percent lower than the January 2021 inventory of 93.8 million head (See Figure 1). The […]

Coping with High Fertilizer Costs in Forage Systems

Management practices are crucial in determining forage production and quality in forage systems. Among them, fertilization is essential to supply nutrients needed by plants. Over the past decades, the fluctuation of costs of fertilizers has elevated the importance of improving nutrient use efficiency while also seeking alternative strategies to reduce off-farm inputs into forage systems. […]