Mathematical Sciences

Clemson Students Study Mathematical Sciences in Budapest

This year, Clemson has been distinguished by the participation of four Mathematical Sciences majors in the prestigious Budapest Semesters in Mathematics. Alex Stoll participated in Fall 2016, while Daniel Christensen, Sloan Nietert, and Garrick Stott did so in Spring 2017. According to the BSM website, students in the program take “standard upper-level courses with courses in areas of traditional strength of Hungarian mathematics, such as combinatorics, number theory, and probability theory.”

Pictured from left to right are Garrick Stott, Daniel Christensen, and Sloan Nietert in Budapest.
Pictured from left to right are Garrick Stott, Daniel Christensen, and Sloan Nietert in Budapest. Click to enlarge.

About the program, Daniel Christensen writes, “I’ve enjoyed my time here in Budapest very much. The history and culture of this place is very rich, and often overlooked, which makes it noticeably unique when compared to other places that I’ve travelled so far in Europe. Also, the classes offered here are all interesting, rigorous and are taught by quality professors. It’s an experience I will never forget and, as a math major, I couldn’t imagine studying abroad anywhere else.”

Garrick Stott echoes many of these sentiments, writing “I’d strongly encourage other math students to study abroad in the BSM program. There’s around 70 students in the program from around the US, all of whom are passionate about mathematics without there being an air of competitiveness amongst the students. The quality of instruction is fantastic, and Budapest is a great city to be in.”