
Mathematical Sciences Faculty Member Book Projects

August 22, 2018

The second edition of the Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics was recently published by CRC Press. The nearly 1600-page volume was edited by a trio of editors including Clemson faculty members Douglas Shier (Emeritus) and Wayne Goddard. The handbook includes contributions from around 100 contributors including the following from Clemson faculty members:

  • Joel V. Brawley: Vector Spaces; Linear Transformations
  • Elena Dimitrova: Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems
  • Thomas A. Dowling and Douglas R. Shier: Special Sequences
  • Wayne Goddard: Computational Models
  • Qijun He, Matthew Macauley, and Svetlana Poznanovikj: RNA Folding
  • Andy Jenkins and Matthew Macauley: Genome Assembly
  • Beth Novick: Linear Programming
  • Douglas R. Shier: System Reliability; Matchings; Network Representations and Data Structures


The edited volume Algebraic and Combinatorial Computational Biology is scheduled for publication in September 2018 by Elsevier. The volume was edited by a pair of editors, including Clemson faculty member Matthew Macauley. It “introduces students and researchers to a panorama of powerful and current methods for mathematical problem-solving in modern computational biology,” and it includes contributions from Professor Macauley and Clemson Mathematical Sciences MS graduate Andy Jenkins.





The advanced undergraduate textbook Monomial Ideals and Their Decompositions is scheduled for publication in November 2018 by Springer Verlag. It was written by a trio of mathematicians, including Clemson faculty member Sean Sather-Wagstaff. “This textbook on combinatorial commutative algebra focuses on properties of monomial ideals in polynomial rings and their connections with other areas of mathematics such as combinatorics, electrical engineering, topology, geometry, and homological algebra.